How to setup Upwork Bot?

Please add chrome extension for upwork auto job applier and follow the instructions:


Once, it’s added you need to visit upwork website job listening page. Let the upwork website completely load, then click on the extension and put (your email) in the user id field and hit the start button, it will show the status of your subscription.

Then, once again click on the extension and fill all fields as follows:

User Id: your email
Skills: web development,English,translation (You can write your skills with commas)
Count: 3 (By default value is 3 which means it will read only 3 jobs on start, you can change)
Price: 50 (Means 50% of the total job budget will be applied, you can change, don’t add a % sign with a value. It must be just a number like 70)
Due Date: 2020-09-29 (Change accordingly)
Description: Your milestone name/description
How long will this project take: Less than 1 month or 1 Week (Same value that upwork propose?)
Countries: Any (For All) otherwise you can define country names with commas
Proposal: Your proposal message
Finally, hit the submit button

Note: On submit, it will open each matched job at new tab, your provided data will remain saved at your browser, so if you open any other job manually it will be auto-filled and apply by the bot.

For further assistance, you can contact us at

Thanks & Regards
Team E-Applier

Category: Technical

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