E-Applier: Fiverr.com the new and unique freelancing website which is getting a vast number of its users as freelancers. It has two different ways to offer your services 1- Publish your service in catalog 2- Apply, on available requests with your offer. For the second part to the proposed offer over the available requests, we have “Fiverr Bot”.
Checkout Its All Features
We understand the importance of your Fiverr account which is also considered as your online-bank. Our current subscribers are using this App without any concern regarding their account and you can safely provide your freelancer account credentials to this App. But, if not satisfy then, We have a new feature for you that will allow you to login yourself and let the App to perform auto-bidding.
RUN 24/7
You can run this “Fiverr Bot” to run 24/7. It will run non-stop without any limitations and preventions. You can tell this software about how many job pages need to be read to catch jobs also you can set a value for repeat check which will restart the entire process again. You also have an option to limit your bids for a day so App will only apply until it completes the jobs with your limited value.
While it comes at the position where it needs to place an amount and duration on the job along with the proposal. By default, it uses the default value you set in software. You can set a default price in percentage % so it will apply by getting the percentage amount of total budget. It also supports “No.of Revision” to proposed along with your application.
This App supports two gigs that you need to define in this App, it this “Fiverr Bot” will propose your gig service by determining your keyword. Like if job contains any skills from your keyword set 1 of skills then the application will go with “Gig-1” but if the job contains any skill from a keyword set 2 of your skills then it will with “Gig-2”. More gigs can be added on request.
This “Fiver bot” search job by following your defined keywords, if any job contains any keyword the same as you defined in skills. It will be applied accordingly.
This “Fiverr bot” support all Operating system plus, you can use cloud computer provided by “BrowserStack”. When operating this on your computer it is best to work with “Chrome browser” other browsers are also supported but we found the best performance of this with Chrome. You can also define your chrome profile to this App, it will save your time because once the profile is provided and you’re already login at Fiverr with chrome browser then the software will not have to login again.
Hi I want to buy Fiverr Bot can you please give me details how can I buy and what is the monthly price ?
Fiverr bot available at a best selling price that will cost you 80$/year, visit the link to find details: https://www.eapplier.com/product/fiverr-bot/